Space Jammed

Just like the high-flying dunks in Space Jam, line height or leading, is all about giving that text some room to dunk. Each line needs enough space to move around without bumping into each other (unless that is the look you are going for). Proper line height ensures that the reader has clear readability and aesthetic appeal. Too little leading makes the text cramped like a game winning shot by Bugs Bunny and fans run onto the court. The key is always to keep the viewers focused.

Letter spacing adjusts the overall spacing between characters in a block of text. Like basketball, every letter needs to have adequate space like players would need on the court to succeed. Too close and the text becomes scrambled together yet too far apart and the unification breaks. Again, issues with the text can cause eye strain issues which then lead to readability issues. Next thing you know is that the reader stopped reading and they are not coming back.

Headers are what is guiding you through the story. Headers are like the scoreboard and help you keep track of where you are at in the game. Are you losing or winning? Look at the flashy, big, scoreboard! The length of the line text is too long then you probably have tried too hard and again, readers will lose track easily. If it is too short, then it makes the text feel choppy and can take the reading out of a rhythm.

Like the championship game in Space Jam, every element has a function/goal like a player and they all play a crucial role. Each aspect has to work together to create an engaging reading experience. Scoring the ultimate typography layout is the way to a guaranteed win.