Who Shot The Serif?

If your task was to identify who shot the Serif but your witnesses were another Serif and a Sans Serif then you might have a hard time picking one to trust. Both have unique differences and have many different appearances. One wears a fancy hat while the other wears a baseball cap. After breaking down who both of these suspects are, I will let you decide their fate. Who is guilty? Who isn't?

Sans Serif is known for his clean and straightforward appearance. He carries a very modern appearance. He speaks with simplicity and most people can tell that he stays very up to date on all the latest styles. He typically hangs out with other groups of people like Helvetica and Arial. You will catch them hanging out around websites, apps, and digital stores.

Serif is already a suspect due to being a family connection but he has some good things going for him. He is a traditionalist and speaks with history and elegance. Makes great eye contact and is very readable on stand. Serif likes to hang around the local newspaper company and bookstores. Even though Serif wears a fancy hat, his body structure is very clean and easy to spot from a distance. He usually has unique feet and posture that makes him easy to pick out of a lineup.

The jury understands that this will not be easy to figure out but they find out that there is a key difference between Serif vs. San Serif and that is a shoe print. That is right! A shoe print was left at the scene and it is very clear and evident that it resembles one, more than the other. Earlier, we talked about how unique Serif stands out and how his body shape and overall decorative figure can easily be read. You don't have to strain your eyes in order to see that the evidence is starting to mount up against Sans Serif. When you look at the differences in the image above, you can clearly see the differences between them.

The jury picks their verdict and it is clear as mud that Sans Serif is 100% guilty. As clean and modern as he tried to look. His image is now tarnished. Books will be written about this day for years to come. I can only imagine that they will be writing it with Serif.