A Twig Off the Old Branch

If we think of our projects code like a tree trunk - this is our main "branch." Git branches let us create limbs of this trunk. With branches, we can work on new features or fix bugs without messing up the main code. Like an artboard to test out new colors without throwing it on an artpiece. It eliminates risk and allows teams to work together.

So it basicall works like this: We would create a new branch for the work, like fixing a bug or adding a new feature like fire flames from the 90's web experience! Make all the changes on this branch, once the changes are done and we are happy, we can now push this work to our repository(Github).

Now it's time for us to use a pull request! This is basically like saying "Hey team, i've got an update to the needed changes on this branch - Could ya be cool and merge it if it looks good? If all is good then they can merge the code but they can also review the changes and give feedback.

Git branching keeps the code organized and lets you work on stuff without making permanent changes to the project's core codebase. Plus, pull requests to allow others to review your work, providing collaboration and making sure your code changes are top-notch!